* Enneagram Intro
* What People Say
NLP + Enneagram
Milton Erickson
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Tom Condon Interview
* Enneagram Exercises

* Bill Clinton's E-Style
* Death of Catastrophe

Fine Distinctions: Eights
Self Preservation Eights

 •  Strongly focused on physical security; very hard workers.
 •  When healthy they are exceptionally self-reliant, independent and responsible.
 •  Self-preservation Eights can be implacably determined to prosper.
 •  Momma Bear or Poppa Bear; both fiercely protective and tenderly nurturing.
 •  Eights with this subtype can be homebodies who are focused on comfortable survival.
 •  Often see the world as a place where they have to fight for whatever they have.
 •  Grow up poor or struggling or feel somehow responsible for the material well-being of their family of origin.
 •  Eights with this subtype can have a stronger connection to Five and may be collectors or have prized, treasured objects.
 •  May value possessions and objects over people.
 •  Possessions may symbolize security, representing the fact that the Eight has made it and overcome past deprivations.
 •  Eights with this subtype can grow preoccupied with controlling their immediate environment, including their home.
 •  The people who endanger the Eight’s possessions are the same people the Eight is pledged to take care of – their family.
 •  Could bully their children to “toughen them up” for life in the hard world outside.
 •  Bully their own vulnerabilities in order to feel safe.
 •  Prone to survivalist thinking. Might openly preach selfishness and believe that civilized behavior is just a veneer concealing our true animal nature.
 •  This subtype is also evident in the behavior of tycoons, self-made men and women who create empires out of nothing.
 •  Some are notoriously aggressive, bosses-from-hell.
 •  A Self Preservation Eight’s family members could become inadvertent obstacles to the Eight’s continued survival in a dangerous world. So they must be controlled, contained or squelched.

 •  Considerate protective friends; loyal, dependable and there when you need them.
 •  Healthy Intimate Eights can be thoughtful and philosophical about matters of the heart, the vagaries and complexities of relationships.
 •  Sensitive and compassionate, they often have a stronger connection to Two.
 •  Boxer-poets; people who have a paradoxical combination of aggression and sensitivity.
 •  This subtype can bring artistic tendencies: the desire to create, express,
 •  Many female Eights have this subtype.
 •  A nuanced ironic intelligence, especially about relationships.
 •  Intimate Eights are sometimes mistaken for Fours and occasionally have a Four parent.
 •  More easily able to switch places with their beloved, to sympathetically enter into the world view and feelings of the other person.
 •  When intimate Eights are less healthy, they are wary of betrayal and prone to suspicion.
 •  They can freight up their relationships with expectations, often worrying about the other person’s capacity to handle their aggression and vulnerabilities.
 •  Want stable, loyal predictable partners and may be sensitive to signs of faltering commitment.
 •  Can feel that a close relationship is a mutual pact of protection in a dangerous world.
 •  Test their partner’s motives and fortitude by being paradoxically tough and aggressive. If the partner can handle being emotionally roughed up then the Eight can relax and be unguarded.
 •  Intimate Eights can express love so implicitly and invisibly that their partner doesn’t know it.
 •  May give you a gift that they have poured their heart into, but do so in such a casual way that it seems to mean nothing.
 •  Set themselves up to be ignored and overlooked and then react angrily.
 •  Can be possessive and try to dominate and control an intimate partner.
 •  They can be exceptionally jealous, hooked into the other, overreacting to their partner’s every move.
 •  Might seek out pliant or passive people – Twos Sixes or Nines – so that the Eight can be in charge.
 •  The dark extreme of this subtype can be seen in the behavior of male stalkers and spousal abusers.
 •  May want revenge for being rejected and carry the sense that the other person is my possession and they aren’t going to get away from me.
 •  Connected to the low side of Two, prideful codependence and emotionalism. Focus on the other person while they neglect themselves.

 •  Healthy Social Eights are often loyal to a chosen group and conceive of themselves as that group’s protector, provider or leader.
 •  The group’s welfare and cohesion are important to them. To this end, they are often cooperative, seeking positive solutions and open to feedback
 •  Social Eights are genuinely interested in how others feel and are willing to listen and to negotiate.
 •  Honest about their faults and hold themselves accountable to others.
 •  More likely to apologize when they’ve been unfair.
 •  This subtype has a stronger connection to Two and can emotionally switch places with others in their chosen group.
 •  As friends they want to protect what’s soft or young in you and appreciate the same treatment in return.
 •  Can be bold, audacious or progressive in the service of changing a system so that it becomes more socially just.
 •  Some suffer from “eldest child syndrome,” feeling responsible for younger siblings while compensating for inadequate or distant parents.
 •  The group the Eight protects could be family, friends, coworkers. Or stray animals, abused children, misfit teenagers or the small and inarticulate – those who can’t advocate on their own behalf.
 •  Members of the group represent the Eight’s vulnerabilities and that’s what the Eight is essentially protecting.
 •  When Social Eights are less healthy, they are more likely to put
themselves in a one-up position, the adult in charge.
 •  Friendless protector of others, alone in the middle of a group.
 •  They can’t receive well, and don’t expect to be given to or believe anyone will notice when they need something.
 •  Their group is pitted against the world or another group; persecutory justice for a cause.
 •  The mentality of unhealthy Social Eightness is always present in wars.
 •  Hang onto power for its own sake.
 •  Gangsters, street and prison gangs; cultures prone to retributive feuding and cycles of revenge.

Eight with a Seven Wing
 • Expansive, extraverted and overtly powerful.
 • Gregarious and generous; can display a cheerful, sunny bravado.
 • May be forceful but with a light touch.
 • Often funny and have a sense of humor about themselves.
 • May talk loud and be sociable partygoers, although this can be modified by their subtype.
 • Generally ambitious and materialistic.
 • Can be visionary, idealistic and enterprising.
 • Sometimes driven to bring the new into being and willing to take risks to make that happen.
 • The realm of tycoons or high-profile social reformers who overhaul a system to make it more just.
 • Can be good at seeing options, being flexible and strategic in the exercise of power or achieving a goal.
 • This wing also brings Eights more intellectual capacity.
 • Eights with a Seven wing are usually more visual and see clearer imagery in their mind’s eye.
 • Use their imaginations to dream up projects and plans but have trouble seeing themselves.
 • A busy, fast-moving tempo to the way they think, talk and move. In a hurry.
 • Some Eights with this wing can speak in hyperbole using words like always, never, the greatest. This reflects their grandiosity as well as either/or, black-and-white thinking.
 • The appetite of Seven and Eightish lust combine to form a stronger tendency towards addiction.
 • Reactionary, prone to temperamental ups and downs; moody, egocentric, quick to anger.
 • May court or create chaos as well as inflate themselves narcissistically. 
 • Some are ruthlessly materialistic. Driven by plans or big dreams.
 • Can use people up, suck them dry, roll over them.
 • May be explosive or violent, prone to distorted overreaction.
 • Activity addicts; some Eights with this wing are chronically restless and stay in continual motion to avoid the shadow of boredom.

Eight with an Nine Wing
 • Healthy Eights with a Nine wing can have an aura of supernatural calm.
 • Have a strong implicit belief in their own abilities and take their authority for granted.
 • The outward manner of someone who hasn’t had a self-doubt in decades.
 • The queen or king of all they survey. A quality of not needing to display their strength.
 • A grounded rock-like quality, as though their feet are anchored to the center of the earth.
 • Healthy Eights with this wing have a receptive Nine-like quality and a modest, mild-mannered social presentation.
 • Can be gentle, kind-hearted and soft-spoken. Sensitive in a non-emotional way.
 • Tender, nurturing parents as well as steady, supportive friends.
 • Informal and unpretentious, patient and laconic, often more introverted.
 • May have a dry or ironic sense of humor.
 • A stronger receptiveness to other people. More disposed to reflexively pleasing others. Can seem like Nines.
 • Eights with this wing are generally more auditory and kinesthetic and less visual.
 • A slower tempo of thought, physical movement and speech.
 • Some have flat or even voices, which they modulate only slightly.
 • More oriented to the present than Eights with a Seven wing.
 • Many have a high physical pain tolerance.
 • Can be oblivious to the force of their anger until after they’ve hurt someone.
 • Can be calmly dominating, emotionally cold and blind to softer emotions.
 • Might have an aura of implicit, simmering anger, like a sleeping volcano. They can be slow to erupt but when they do it’s sudden and explosive.
 • Some Eights with this wing act jaded and present the world with a tough, deadpan, poker-face.
 • Prone to boredom and, when unhealthy, have a marked tendency towards clinical depression.
 • Can go numb, have trouble showing affection, act dead.
 • Can be cruel especially in the service of ill-conceived goals.
 • May be highly intelligent but their aggression makes them stupid.
 • Prone to paranoid plotting, muddled thinking and warped acts of revenge.
 • Blind destructive behavior, abusive towards those they love, don’t know when to quit.
 • Might passively accommodate other people’s expectations and then get angry when they have done too much.
 • Can turn violent when they get close to their own vulnerabilities.

Eight’s Connection to Two
 • Connection helps Eights to sympathetically identify with others.
 • They extend themselves, become better communicators, admit their interdependence.
 • More compassionate, thoughtful, open and vulnerable.
 • Peacemakers. Some have a conscious ethos of love.
 • More in touch with the child within themselves.
 • Healthy Twoish Eights can have “therapeutic” personalities; want to heal others and make things better.
 • They see people 3-dimensionally instead of as 2-dimensional caricatures.
 • This connection brings codependence.
 • Some Eights can become overidentified with their partner and are unable to disengage.
 • Could compensate for and defend their partner’s weaknesses, even those that injure the Eight.
 • Compulsively over-protective of others.
 • They may also overreact, displaying a kind of hair-trigger emotionality based in anger.
 • Can hang onto slights and injustices, take the whole world personally.
 • Might be more vengeful, act entitled, episodes of megalomania. The Two’s self-inflation reinforces the Eight’s narcissism.
 • Possessively demanding; could become obsessed about their partner. This connection sometimes brings jealousy and reinforces the unhealthy tendencies of the Intimate subtype.
 • Try to dominate people on whom they are dependent.
 • The Eight defense of denial and Two habit of repression reinforce each other.
 • It is not unusual for Eights to express this connection by marrying it.

Eight’s Connection to Five
 • Healthy connection brings mental clarity.
 • Able to be strategic and think things through.
 • Less driven by power or aggression.
 • Can see better in their mind’s eye, their visual field is enhanced.
 • The connection brings a detailed, subtle, nuanced quality to an Eight’s responses.
 • Can detach, stand back from circumstances and pause before they react.
 • May have an intellectual streak, especially with a Seven wing.
 • They can be bookish, could have technical or philosophical interests; a love of learning.
 • Loners. May recharge and replenish themselves by withdrawing into solitude.
 • This connection takes the edge off Eight’s addictive tendencies and helps moderate their behavior.
 • A calming influence; helps them see the big picture, remember their long-term goals and avoid (over) reacting to immediate circumstances.
 • Fiveish Eights can isolate themselves and lapse into inaction and depression.
 • Collectors, hoarders, might be stingy with money.
 • Distrustful and suspicious; start seeing friends as enemies.
 • Guilty brooding about past actions, may sink into morbid regret.
 • Self-punishing; in extreme cases a risk of suicide.
 • Feel powerless; heightened fear of betrayal by others.
 • Anti-social, try to manipulate people from a distance.
 • Can be fond of malformed, unfounded conspiracy theories.   
 • Dissociated, lose touch with reality, paranoid-schitzophrenic.


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