Reviews of
Expanded Intuition Training

NewIntuition Article by Thomas Condon
From Magical Blend Magazine
From Medical Self-Care Magazine
From The Yoga Journal
From Body, Mind & Spirit
Interview From The New Times
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From an interview with Thomas Condon

Intuition is a lot like dreaming. We don't know how we do it, but we do it. Intuition is knowing something - but not knowing how you know it.

Intuitive knowledge comes to us spontaneously and directly, without the use of reason or logical thought.

Some people trust their intuition - they "believe" in it, and act on it. Example : you bypass a parking space because you "know" there will be a space closer to where you're going.

Others deny intuitive information, or distrust it as "irrational." But most of us can recall an instance when we ignored a "feeling" or "hunch" about someone or something - and later regretted it.

Knowing how to cultivate your intuition can help in every aspect of our lives. So, to help our readers get ahead, we spoke to the expert in this area, Thomas Condon. His insights:
Intuition can be loosely defined as the ability to synthesize and make deductions from all of our accumulated unconscious experience.

Most of the information we use in our daily lives is unconscious. We "know" much more than we realize.
Example: Which way doors open - in or out. Our senses provide us with ongoing information that never reaches our conscious awareness, unless we turn our attention to it.

Similarly, intuitive information comes to us through our senses.
Examples : Some people get a "gut feeling" about things.
Others hear "a little voice," "see the light" or see "a fleeting image." Still others sense good or bad "vibrations."
Those who learn to "tune in" to their intuition find it a useful tool in their personal and professional lives.

Increasing Intuition
We can expand our intuitive capacities, like any other of our physical or mental capabilities, with training and exercise. The process :
1. Evoke, or awaken, our intuitive capacity, by identifying our personal intuitive messages.
2. Focus our intuition on practical outcomes ... improved relationships, confident decision-making, clear goal-setting, increased creativity and productivity, correct judging and forecasting.

Your Personal Intuitive Style
In my research and workshops, I have learned that each person experiences intuition in a different, highly individual way.
* Identify your intuitive style by remembering times you just "knew" something. Try to relive the experience. How does such information come to you? Do you see, hear or feel it? Is it loud and clear? Niggling and vague? Intuitive images, voices or feelings tend to have a consistent source. Examples:
"Suddenly the big picture flashes before my eyes".
"I feel a sense of sureness in my stomach - a 'grounded' feeling."
"I hear my own voice inside my head."
"I literally feel pulled in one direction."
"I get a feeling in my chest that something 'wants out'."

Object: Learn where to look, listen, or turn your attention when you want intuitive information.
Exercise: Hone in on the part of yourself that transmits intuitive information - the voice in your ear, the screen in your mind, the feeling in your chest and belly. Pose clear "Yes or no" questions and be receptive to the responses you get.
Result: The bridge between your conscious, active awareness and your unconscious is strengthened.
You will find that intuitive information is readily available - even if you are highly skeptical at first. Your "inner translator" will become more clear and accessible with more practice.

Skeptics seem to respond especially well to intuition exercises.
Reasons: Underutilized intuition often seems to blossom when it is cultivated. Skeptics don't "believe" in intuition, so they can play with the exercises free of any expectations, judgments or defenses. They react with surprise and delight when it works.

To Improve Your Intuition
* Notice when you are being intuitive, and squeeze one hand with the other. Purpose: To create an association response so you can learn to access your intuition by squeezing your hand.
* Learn your physical intuitive habits. Do your eyes move in a particular way ? Do you have a characteristic posture or facial expression ? Gestures or actions ? Assume these motions to access intuitive information.
* Practise maintaining an open-minded, playful, experimental, non-judgmental attitude.
* Daydream, doodle, brainstorm, and write down words or phrases that come to you when problem-solving.
* Practice making wild guesses. Examples : What a salespersons's name is, what a new person or place will look like, who is calling on the phone. Imagine laughing when you are wrong about insignificant facts. Purpose : To free you to make wild guesses
* Listen to your "inner dialogue."
* Make positive suggestions to yourself ... pose positive, specific questions to your intuition.
* Take up rhythmic exercise such as swimming, yoga or t'ai chi. Also helpful : self hypnosis, meditation.

When seeking intuitive information about yourself or others ... relax and get comfortable. Quiet your inner dialogue and look past the inner images that run through your mind. Focus your attention on the "blank screen" behind them. Immerse yourself in the activity of receiving the information that comes.

Observation exercises : In restaurants, on trains, shopping, etc., practise noticing non-verbal behavior in others ... posture shifts, hand motions, vocal tone or tempo. Guess how your subjects are feeling or what they are talking about.

And have fun ! Some people may believe that their intuition only works in tragic or exceptional circumstances. But that is like saying we only use our common sense in emergencies. Intuition, like common sense, is with us all of the time - if we are willing to use it.

From: Privileged Information - the Newsletter of Innovation

Thomas Condon gives workshops and in-house consultations at various locations around the country. If you are interested in sponsoring an event in your area, please call or write The Changeworks for details.

  From Magical Blend Magazine

   "Most of us experience intuition as something that comes and goes, bringing useful information or spiritual insights - but in a random, mysterious way. This CD series starts from the premise that everyone has intuitive capacities that can be brought forth and used deliberately. Once you learn to recognize how your intuition communicates, you can then apply it to practical problem solving, understanding relationships, finding spiritual guidance and answering your own questions.

   While this is not a new idea and many writers espouse the value of intuition, this CD series takes an experiential, how-to-do-it tack. And it works: Expanded Intuition Training is a fascinating, practical and intelligent approach to developing intuition. These CDs actually deliver more than they promise.

   Thomas Condon is a well-known teacher of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and also Ericksonian Hypnosis, which is based on the work of Milton H. Erickson. In the CDs, Condon has combined techniques from these two disciplines along with meditative practices and the results of his study of highly intuitive people. He has also added some really magical special effects.

   Condon distinguishes three kinds of intuition that can be cultivated:
   Personal Intuition - knowledge from the personal unconscious that has been taken in, stored and synthesized. This knowledge comes to us intuitively in the form of "gut feelings," creative insights and through our "little voices."
   Interpersonal Intuition - information about other people derived from unconscious observation and their non-verbal behavior. This may take the form of accurate first impressions, and help one in being a good judge of character.
   Transpersonal Intuition - Condon's term for psychic phenomena. This is intuitive information about situations, places and people unknown to the personal unconscious; it typically comes in a way that defies ordinary time and space. This would include things like precognitive dreams, remote viewing, synchronicities, etc.

    The six CDs address these types of intuition in different ways:
    CD 1, Opening Up To Intuition, uses a process called Multi-Evocation which features two versions of Condon's voice speaking simultaneously through stereo channels. This process is explicitly hypnotic and seeks to balance both hemispheres of the brain and integrate the rational with the intuitive. This is all done indirectly through metaphor; you begin in a forest, walking dwn a path where two streams are flowing side by side. They gradually begin to merge into a larger river as Condon's two voices turn into one voice. The CD is actually quite beautiful. I come away from it on a high and usually feel like parts of my brain have temporarily changed places.

    CD 2, Practical Intuition, features a series of exercises which help the listener to identify the subjective difference between intuition and conscious thought. The listener then sets up a direct channel of communication with his/her intuition to apply to specific life situations. The exercises are direct and simple, yet evoke surprisingly clear results.

    CD 3, Blocks To Intuition, deals with blocks and inhibitions to becoming more intuitive that the listener may have. On side B there are movement exercises for discovering the physical difference between a blocked state and one in which intuition flows freely. This uses 3-D sound; Condon actually sounds like he is walking the room with you. The effect at first was startling and subsequently helpful (once I realized that I wasn't going to bump into him.)

    CDs 4 and 5 are really special. Both feature elaborate 3-D effects in metaphorical environments and both CDs allow the listener to ask direct questions of the intuition and get answers.
    On CD 4, The Ultimate Library, you begin in a house (modeled on your own psyche, a la Jung) and find a secret passage which leads to an undergroud tram rather like a ride at Disneyland. This takes you to the library where the sum total knowledge of the universe is stored. There is a computer named "Akashic 1" who acts as a go-between and will take questions from you and then search the library for answers.
    CD 5, Your Intuitive Guide, is more spiritual in tone. In it you will encounter an intuitive guide and develop a telepathic rapport. The guide will also answer your questions, but in a much more personal way.
    Both of these CDs are wonderfully written and performed. They are relaxing, affirming and fun. Akashic 1 is an actual computer programmed for the CD.
Above all, though, the formats work. I have asked questions of the library and guide at least fifty times now and have never failed to get clear, helpful answers and practical solutions.

    CD 6, Beyond Time and Space, deals directly with psychic phenomena. The introduction is fair, balanced and plain. There are techniques for predicting the future, remote viewing and getting first impressions of people. I've been working with a partner on these exercises and we both get uncannily accurate results.

    The workbook is modest and straightforward, mainly an adjunct to the CDs. My only complaint is that Condon's voice is so hypnotic that I sometimes go into a trance without meaning to. In the introduction, though, he assures me that this is a good thing.

    This series is a must for any explorer of new and inward realms as well as those who want practical guidance in daily living. It is designed for and will doubtless reach a large audience; it is also compatible with more spiritual orientations. Condon also makes hypnosis CDs, some of which feature Milton Erickson's daughter. - reviewed by Bob McGuffin

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From Medical Self-Care

    "Intuition can be a powerful tool. It is an essential component of the creative process, and also can play a significant role in the workaday world. Problem-solving, decision-making, and developing new insights are all enhanced by intuitive skill. This remarkable series uses state-of-the-art recording techniques and a sophisticated hypnosis procedure to help tap these intuitive powers.

    The first CD presents an overview of the nature of intuition and ways of opening up to it. The second explores the process of developing an intuitive "voice," identified by individual mental images or physical sensations. The third offers mental and physical exercises to help bypass any existing blocks to intuition. A most unusual feature on the first half of the program is the use of a multiple voice and sound collage based on an Ericksonian-hypnosis technique known as "multiple-evocation." It is intended as a relaxing, brain-balancing introduction to the rest of the series.

    CDs 4 and 5 employ what the creators call "three-dimensional" sound effects. These guide the user with almost eerie verisimilitude through hypnotic visits with a wise and whimsical computer/librarian-guardian of the brain's "ultimate library" memory bank - and with a personal Intuitive Guide. The final CD helps to set up a series of individual symbols. This allows intuition to bypass the intellect when necessary, and serves to access gut-reaction experiences for future reference. It also suggests ways in which intuitive recognitions can integrate comfortably into "real life."

    I began by listening to this series as a reviewer. I ended up with a whole new appreciation for - and relationship to - my intuitive faculties. And I've got a hunch that others will have a similar experience."- Amie Hill - Medical Self-Care Magazine

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  From The Yoga Journal

    "We've all experienced those brief moments when a flash of insight lets us know intuitively how to respond to a given situation. Yet we often consider this "sixth sense" a phenomenon over which we have no control. This series of CDs teaches us how to recognize and communicate with our intuitive self. Each CD focuses on a particular aspect of intuitional development, from learning your intuitive language (CD 2) to meeting your intuitive guide (CD 5).

    To help you gain better access to your intuition, Condon uses a variety of techniques. Initially he introduces you to your intuitive self by means of a guided exercise that employs "Multi-Evocation" (multiple voice hypnosis). This exercise encourages the intuitive self to emerge and integrate with the conscious self. Through a series of questions and movement exercises designed to help distinguish the intuitive from the rational thinking process, I found that I was better able to see the blocks preventing me from relying more on my intuition.

    I was impressed with Condon's imaginative guided visualizations. For example, he asks you to imagine yourself walking down a secret passageway in a house that is familiar to you, to a library (the "akashic records") that stores all the knowledge in the universe. There, you find a cheerful and wise computer named "Akashic 1," who is available to help you research the library and answer any questions you have. I found this approach useful and was surprised at the abundance of information to which I have access if I let myself.

    The final CD is designed to help you develop your psychic understanding - what Condon terms Transpersonal Intuition. This CD exercises your capacity to perceive intuitively, using such techniques as remote viewing, getting first impressions of people, and predicting the future. As Condon says, "the development of this capacity is fascinating, useful and gives many people the feeling and perspective of functioning somehow in harmony with their deepest nature." The CD features special effects, including Multi-Evocation and three-dimensional sound effects that make it sound as though Condon is in the room with you.

    I recommend this CD series to those who want to explore and heighten their intuitive capacity. It provides a vehicle for developing understanding and confidence, clarifying perception, and becoming more attuned with a deeper decision-making process."

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From Body, Mind & Spirit 

    "Expanded Intuition Training is a set of six CDs plus workbook designed to help you learn your own intuitive language - whether it be in words, feelings or imagery - and which signals to trust when using your intuition.
    The CDs are of high quality and incorporate Ericksonian hypnosis in the form of "multiple voice" hypnosis. This technique features at least two voices speaking simultaneously during various meditations and serves to disengage the conscious mind. Also incorporated are exceptional 3-D sound effects which further heighten the hypnotic experience.

    Each CD concentrates on a particular aspect of intuition training. CD One, Opening Up To Intuition, helps you separate your way of thinking from your way of intuiting so that you can become more aware of each process. CD 2, Practical Intuition, helps remove blocks to using intuition and uses an intriguing walking exercise as a continuation to CD One.  This exercise has you first walk in a manner that reflects your conscious way of thinking, then in a manner that reflects your intuition, and finally in a synthesis of both. Other CDs help you to develop question and answer techniques, access universal knowledge and use your intuitive abilities for receiving impressions, remote viewing, etc.

    Great care has been put into the scripts. You'll pick up on puns, cross references and "inside" phrases as the CDs are used and reused; this helps keep the listening experience from becoming stale.

    The sound quality of the CDs and the narrative voice are excellent. A comforting, spacious and protective atmosphere is created that is highly desirable for the kind of inner work the series is designed to accomplish."

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Interview From The New Times 

Expanded Intuition Training by Thomas Condon presents a variety of newly discovered techniques which allow direct dependable access to your intuition. The techniques are specifically applied to decision making, problem solving, enhancing relationships and finding inner guidance.

    The new techniqes are unique, in that they come from a synthesis of hypnotherapy, meditative practice and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). In a recent interview, Condon explained their genesis:

    "I'd been practicing and teaching hypnosis for a long time when I started to get interested in intuition. So often it seemed that my clients had great intuitions but either ignored and discounted them or didn't know how to interpret them. I started asking people to dialogue with their 'gut feelings', to find out how their gut said 'yes', how it said'no'. I found that each person had an inner sensory strategy through which their intuitions communicated."

    Where some people have intuitions through gut feelings, others experience it auditorily ("my little voice told me") and visually ("in a flash I knew what to do"). Each of these channels have their own way of communicating to the individual. "By tuning in and recognizing these parts, you can bring them forth into your life more consistently. Having been ignored for so long, they are usually very willing."

    The other major set of techniques came from a chance encounter: "Years ago I was given a birthday present of a session with a psychic. Since my background is in psychology I was skeptical but I went through with it just for fun. Well, she nailed me. She zeroed in on events from my life, my family background, current friendships and ongoing conflicts. I was flabbergasted."

    The encounter led to dozens of other psychic readings as Thomas tried to discover if psychics, too, had inner sensory strategies. "Sure enough, they were remarkably consistent. The visual patterns are called 'clairvoyant', the auditory ones 'clairaudient', the ones for feelings 'clairsentient'. Each person had their ownway of explaining what they did and their own spiritual orientation but the way they accessed their information was remarkably similar." This led to a clarification of the techniques that are taught in seminars and on Condon's Expanded Intuition Training CD Series.

    "I've tried to make the patterns as simple as possible," Thomas continues, "This makes them easy to learn and it also means they can be customized to your personal needs. Intuition is like electricity or hypnosis - nobody really knows what it is but it's immensely useful for all kinds of purposes." Past workshop participants and CD listeners describe the material as inspiring, practical, funny and confidence-building."

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