Price: $69.95  
Weight: 3.0 lbs.  
6 cassettes and a workbook













































Creativity Unltd.    
Training Series  
by Thomas Condon  

A Series to help you:  
*  Unlock your creative potential
*  Find solutions, ideas, and options
*  Be more creative in life & work
*  Get through creative blocks
*  Access high performance states
*  Find inspiration for creative living

Whether you are a therapist, artist, executive, parent or anybody, times arise when you need creative ideas and solutions at the snap of a finger.

This new tape series will give you dependable access to your creative resources. It will open you up to your creative potential and help you apply creativity to practical problems, daily situations, long range goals, etc.

The tapes also offer inspiration and support for projects, inventions, and artistic pursuits. They will take you through each stage of the creative process - from coming up with ideas, to deciding which ideas are good, to acting on them effectively.

The Creativity Unltd. Training uses Ericksonian Hypnosis, Multi-Evocation, and 3-D Holophonic Sound along with sequenced exercises and lectures. The tapes are for anyone wanting new possibilities for professional success and personal self expression.

Each tape can be purchased individually and is good for $13 off the price of the series (up to $69.95).

Click on title for individual tape description:

TAPE 1 : Creative Inspiration
TAPE 2 : Creative Personal Power
TAPE 3 : Beyond Creative Blocks
TAPE 4 : Creative Problem Solving
TAPE 5 : Creative Brainstorming
TAPE 6 : Humor Power!

What People Say
about This Series:
"This audio-cassette Series, by Thomas Condon, provides the listener with a set of well-conceived tools for expanding one's creativity, solving real problems, finding and eliminating creative blocks, and focusing on essential elements of a project, issue or question. The series consists of six well-produced tapes that use a variety of hypnotic techniques, along with sequenced exercises and lectures."
- Creative Mind

"My wife and I have been enjoying 'Creative Inspiration' which was given to us as a gift by one of our close friends. Tom Condon's expression combined with the quality of the mixing is spectacular. We send our heartfelt appreciation to you all. Currently we are composing our first novel and we have been using the tapes quite regularly with excellent results !"
- Covington, LA

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