Styles Six through Nine
People who anticipate the world's dangers. When healthy they are often courageous, loyal and effective or cowardly, masochistic and paranoid.
Six is the most explicitly fearful style in the Enneagram.
People with this orientation are especially aware of life's dangers, and
wary of the hazards that may lurk beneath everyday appearances.
There are two types of Sixes - phobic and counterphobic.
Their reactions to being fearful are so different that outwardly they can
seem like separate Enneagram styles. .
When phobic Sixes sense danger, they lay low.
They may act cautious, compliant or ambivalent in order to avoid potential
attack. When a counterphobic Six senses danger, they often deliberately
provoke it. They may act outspoken and aggressive, wanting to handle
trouble before it handles them. Phobic Sixes can be charming, modest,
and meek while counterphobes can seem tough, challenging and aggressive.
Both counterphobic and phobic are rooted in a habit
of fearing that is itself distorted. All Sixes have an inner defense
of doubting, of disbelieving reality and their own instincts. They
oppose themselves in order to have a sense of control in a world that they
believe opposes them anyway. When healthy, both types of Sixes tend
to grow towards each other, phobics becoming more courageous and counterphobics
more accepting.
Awakened phobic Sixes are steady, loyal and idealistic.
They live the "truth of duty," but in a voluntary, dedicated way.
They are usually committed to a group, tradition or cause beyond themselves.
They fulfill their promises, work hard, and are honorable, protective friends.
Healthy phobic Sixes are often gracious and diplomatic.
They put people at ease and are well liked for their discretion and manners.
Often they are very funny and have vivid imaginations. Healthy Sixes
handle power with integrity and may be fair-minded leaders because they
sympathize with underdogs. They can affirm their personal value but
also want others in their chosen group to get recognition. They're
not pushovers and will take unpopular stands when necessary. Generally,
though, they work toward solutions that benefit the group and allow everyone
to win.
When more entranced, phobic Sixes can become more blindly
dutiful even as they assume less personal responsibility. They might
subtly shift their power onto an outside authority and begin to romanticize
those who seem more sure of themselves. The Six strikes an unconscious
bargain with their hero or heroine, a bargain that says, "I'll do what
you want me to do if you'll protect me from danger." The Six
then hides under an imaginary umbrella, pledging fealty to this outside
force, growing addicted to the security that this arrangement seems to offer.
The healthy Six capacity for deep loyalty is double-edged - when entranced,
Sixes are often loyal to the wrong person.
When they give away their power, phobic Sixes start
to chronically worry and feel more consciously helpless. To compensate,
they get cautious and wary, trying to anticipate the motives of others.
They may also try to check their own aggressive or powerful impulses, so
that they don't deviate from the submissive role they have agreed to play.
They could have trouble finishing what they start as they slide from doing
into worrying about who will criticize the finished product. They
may seem friendly but give off mixed messages as anger breaks through.
Phobic Sixes can also be nervous, hesitant, skeptical, tense, indecisive,
overreactive, vulnerable, and conservative.
When deeply entranced, phobic people become addled with
fear and openly dependent upon others. They might surrender their
life to work, becoming an abject slave to a job or a boss. They could act
like weak, powerless losers, and yet demand coddling from friends.
Unhealthy phobic Sixes often tyrannize with their helplessness.
They place strict, narrow limits on what they will risk or try. This forces
others around them to handle what the Six is afraid of. If the others
resent this arrangement, the Six will accept blame but no responsibility,
reacting instead like a child being scolded by parents.
This dynamic is the seed of outright masochism. In
very unhealthy scenarios, a Six could tolerate great abuse and still be
loyal to their abusers. Being beaten up allows them to feel punished, defeated,
and then absolved of a basic responsibility for their own existence. It's
like a horribly painful way of trying to stay a child. Unhealthy phobic
Sixes avoid challenges, catastrophize, and may persecute others who deviate
from norms. They can also seem meek, cowardly, legalistic, petty, intolerant,
melodramatic, and dogmatic.
When healthy, counterphobic Sixes are often courageous,
willing to take a tiger by the tail and yank. They can be physically
adventuresome, highly skilled and have a real gusto for living. If
they participate in a tradition, it is usually in the role of constructive
gadfly. Their underlying mission is to serve the tradition by stirring
it up - they consider themselves team players who offer useful alternatives,
using the old as a springboard to the new. To this end they may be energetic,
honest, assertive, and have many good ideas.
If a healthy counterphobe is not serving a tradition,
they are often creative and original. The Six ability to look past appearances
and question assumptions leads them deeper into a unique point of view.
Artistic expression is attractive as a core assertion of their own power
and as a way to resolve a potentially strong sense of alienation.
Entranced counterphobic Sixes often have an edgy, restless
quality. Many channel their energies into physical activity; they
can enjoy sports and tend to be more openly competitive than phobic Sixes.
Counterphobes tend to hide their insecurities with cool or tough masks.
The point of physical challenge is to expel fear by facing danger.
Instead of being passively afraid, you take risks, stir up fear and then
beat it. If phobic Sixes are addicted to security then counterphobics
would be addicted to insecurity.
If they are extroverted, entranced counterphobic Sixes
can sound irritable and challenging like Eights. They are often defiant
or rebellious towards authority and habitually find counterexamples to whatever
others assert. The difference between an Eight and a counterphobe
is that the Six has a core of fear and a hidden dependency on the very authorities
s/he seems to dislike. Despite their attitude, counterphobics are
often loyal, hard-driven workers and highly idealistic. They may feel
more acutely as if the world is unfairly biased against them; some have
a ranting Oneish quality, especially when they talk about governments and
power structures. Many counterphobics are wryly funny and good at
satire. When insecure, however, their humor can punch and bite.
When deeply entranced, counterphobes can be aggressive,
unstable, and senselessly contentious. Because they take action compulsively(to
quell their inner fears), they are prone to making bad decisions. When unhealthy,
their preoccupation with risk can degenerate into a recklessness that borders
on self-destruction.
The counterphobicís battles with authority might
grow chronic or all-consuming. They often get caught in cycles of
suspicion, endlessly testing other peopleís motives. When deeply
entranced, they never reach conclusions about who to trust and just keep
on testing.
They may also be fruitlessly hyperactive, as well as
paranoid, accusative, belligerent, and vengeful. Some counterphobes prize
their hatreds and can be aggressively unlikable or even dangerous.
When inflamed they can adopt a murderous vigilante-like mentality.
Deeply entranced counterphobics generally act much worse than the authorities
they accuse of abusing power.or cowardly, masochistic and paranoid.
PHOBIC: Actor Jason Alexander, Woody Allen, Kim Basinger,
Warren Beatty, Candice Bergen, Albert Brooks, Actress Lynda Carter, Stockard
Channing, Ellen DeGeneres, Julie Delpy, Sally Field, Mia Farrow, Teri Garr,
Cartoonist Cathy Guisewite, Actor Ed Harris, Philosopher J. Krishnamurti,
Jack Lemmon, Comedian Richard Lewis, Actress/director Penny Marshall, Marilyn
Monroe, Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart, Richard Nixon, Actress Lena Olin,
Anthony Perkins, Director Sydney Pollack, Paul Reiser, Pat Robertson, Meg
Ryan, Carly Simon, Suzanne Somers, Bruce Springsteen, Meg Tilly, Beach Boy
Brian Wilson.
COUNTERPHOBIC: Christiane Amanpour, Ellen Barkin, Photographer
Peter Beard, U.S. Politician Jerry Brown, George Bush, Comedian George Carlin,
Actress Judy Davis, Carrie Fisher, Jane Fonda, Mel Gibson, Gene Hackman,
Adolf Hitler, J. Edgar Hoover, Dustin Hoffman, Tommy Lee Jones, Wynona Judd,
Director Spike Lee, David Letterman, Gordon Liddy, Charles Manson, Steve
McQueen, Filmmaker Michael Moore, Paul Newman, Chuck Norris, Lee Harvey
Oswald, Actress Rosie Perez, Richard Pryor, Robert Redford, U.S. Attorney
General Janet Reno, Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon, Steven Seagal, Violinist
Nadia Salerno-Sonnenberg, Sissy Spacek, James Spader, Patrick Swayze, Ted
Turner, Actress Sean Young, Russian extremist Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
People who look for multiple choices and positive futures. May be well-rounded, affirming and generous. When unhealthy they can be narcissistic, escapist and insatiable.
People with this style tend to suppress and escape
their fears by willfully focusing on the positive and imagining future plans,
options and possibilities. Sevens are natural ìreframersî--
they look on the bright side of things, make lemonade out of lemons, and
keep happily active. The defensive point of this is to avoid inner pain
and be harder to hit as a moving target.
Healthy Sevens are often considered ìrenaissanceì
people and can be highly accomplished in many disparate realms of interest.
Awakened people with this style are usually adventurous and multi-talented,
with an authentic zest for living. Childlike but not childish, Sevens
are great receivers. Most have a stimulating, positive outlook and
can enthusiastically appreciate lifeís gifts, even the little ones.
Many possess an endearing blend of charm and curiosity; they can be creative,
outgoing, generous to friends, and progressively interested in new
horizons. Sevens are usually highly resilient and bounce back well
from loss and calamity.
At their healthiest, people with this style tend to
look for long-range fulfillments and deeper satisfactions. To this
end, they are able to accept the realistic necessity for both pain and commitment
in their lives. The acceptance of lifeís painful dimension
gives a Seven more depth and consequently enhances their joy. Many
report that their willingness to make appropriate commitments gives their
life an overall structure within which they can still find variety.
When more entranced, people with this style are prone
to escapism, trying to avoid the pain in themselves and others. Commitment
can become mistaken for confinement in the Sevenís mind. They
may control and sublimate their fears by running away into appetites.
These can be for food, drugs, ideas, activity, people, new experiences,
etc. Entranced Sevens eat life but donít digest it.
They search out the new, trying to maintain a high by flavoring reality
with their imaginations and fantasies of what will be. They can be
dilettantish, impulsive, undisciplined, impersonal, glib, narcissistic and
acquisitive. Sevens may entertain many interests, but indiscriminately.
When defensive, their knowledge is extensive but not deep, rather like a
Many entranced Sevens have problems with completion.
The word "execution" sounds less like it means finishing what
you start and more like a form of death. They tend to be strong on
initiating action and weaker on follow-through. When defensive, they
adopt whatís called an "as if frame,î where the Seven
makes up positive fantasies about the future and pretends they are reality,
as if a wonderful adventure I'm planning is already happening.
Difficult present situations are sometimes avoided this
way. A Seven can fantasize so much about a problem that they almost
begin to believe they have solved it in reality. This eliminates the
need to put themselves on the line, to struggle, to risk failure or have
their actions judged. Most entranced Sevens have fears about their
adequacy and tend to compare themselves with others. A Seven can feel
inferior to someone they admire and then defensively act superior towards
someone else to even the balance.
When Sevens are deeply entranced, the line between reality
and fantasy loosens drastically. They often grow obsessed with grandiose
visions and inflate themselves narcissistically. Very unhealthy Sevens
may completely refuse responsibility and resist all realistic constraints
on their behavior. They could act wild, impatient, chaotic, delusional,
explosive. Tendencies toward addictions and manic-depressive cycles
become quite strong. Appetites can't be permanently satisfied so the
Seven plunges headlong into hedonism, seeking more to consume. Anyone
who gets in the way of a manic Seven will be knocked down. All promises
to others are broken. In extreme scenarios, unhealthy Sevens call
legal forces down on themselves. The "world" has to restrain
the antisocial behavior that's driven by a Sevenís inner cravings.
Comedian Steve Allen, Comedian Tim Allen, Director
Robert Altman, Desi Arnaz, Richard Attenborough, Denise Austin, Richard
Avedon, Covert Bailey, Honoré Balzac, Humorist Dave Barry, Jack Benny,
Milton Berle, Chuck Berry, Poet Robert Bly, Sonny Bono, Comedienne Elayne
Boosler, Musical comedian Victor Borge, Author Ray Bradbury, Terry Bradshaw,
Kenneth Branagh, Richard Branson, Jimmy Buffett, Red Buttons, Michael Caine,
Simon Callow, Mythologist Joseph Campbell, Pierre Cardin, King Juan Carlos
of Spain,
Jim Carrey, James Carvelle, Sid Ceasar, Blaise Cendrars,
Chevy Chase, Cher, Maurice Chevalier, Buffalo Bill Cody, Joan Collins, Director
Francis Ford Coppola, Filmmaker Roger Corman, Dan Cortese, NBC's Katie Couric,
Singer David Crosby, e.e. cummings, Tony Curtis, Roger Daltry, Philosopher
Ram Dass, Dana Delaney, Gérard Depardieu, Diderot, QVC President
Barry Diller, Mickey Dolenz, Hugh Downs, Gordon Elliott, Douglas Fairbanks
Jr., Federico Fellini, Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson,
Physicist Richard Feynman, Eddie Fisher, Errol Flynn,
Peter Fonda, Malcolm Forbes, George Foreman, Bob Fosse, Michael J. Fox,
Author Robert Fulghum, David Frost, Clark Gable, Jerry Garcia, Ava Gardner,
Carlos Casteneda's Don Genaro, John Gielgud, Dizzy Gillespie, Newt Gingrich,
Jackie Gleason, Goethe, Ruth Gordon, Cary Grant, Andre Gregory, George Hamilton,
Tom Hanks, Richard Harris, Phil Hartman, Goldie Hawn,
Marilu Henner, Gregory Hines, Abbie Hoffman, Pianist Vladimir Horowitz,
Jean Houston, Ron Howard, Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard, Lauren Hutton,
Clive James, Self-help author Gerald Jampolsky, Derek Jarman, Magic Johnson,
Architect Phillip Johnson, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, Actress Carol
Kane, Michael Keaton, John F. Kennedy, "Galloping Gourmet" Graham
Kerr, Ken Kesey, Val Kilmer, Comedian Alan King, Don King,
CNN's Larry King, Comedian Robert Klein, Kevin Kline,
Tommy Lasorda, Director David Lean, Timothy Leary, Director Barry Levinson,
Puppeteer Shari Lewis, Artist Roy Lichtenstein, Singer Meat Loaf, Footballís
John Madden, Director Louis Malle, Bobby McFerrin, Author Henry Miller,
Yves Montand, Dudley Moore, Desmond Morris, Robert Morley, Eddie Murphy,
Jack Nicholson, Leslie Nielsen, Donald O'Connor, Peter
O'Toole, Luciano Pavarotti, Author Joseph Chilton Pearce, Regis Philbin,
Bronson Pinchot, Brad Pitt, George Plimpton, Vincent Price, Dennis Quaid,
Anthony Quinn, Bonnie Raitt, Rajeneesh, Ron Reagan Jr., Basketball Coach
Pat Reilly, Carl Reiner, Lee Remick, Little Richard, Filmmaker/Nazi propagandist
Leni Riefenstahl, Jason Robards, Novelist Tom Robbins,
Jay Rockefeller, Ginger Rogers, Linda Ronstadt, Franklin
Roosevelt, Interviewer Charlie Rose, David Lee Roth, Jerry Rubin, Economist
Louis Rukeyser, Rosalind Russell, Babe Ruth, Soupy Sales, Susan Saint James,
Director Martin Scorsese, Weatherman Willard Scott, Pauly Shore, Martin
Short, Self-help author Bernie Siegel, Gerry Spence,
Steven Spielberg, Mickey Spillaine, Robert Louis Stevenson,
Barbra Streisand, Quentin Tarantino, Lowell Thomas, Henry David Thoreau,
Lily Tomlin, Robert Townsend, Tanya Tucker, Actress Janine Turner, Lana
Turner, Peter Ustinov, Roger Vadim, Dick Van Dyke, Jerry Van Dyke,Voltaire,
Kurt Vonnegut, Ruby Wax, Eli Wallach, Rolling Stoneís Jann Wenner,
Betty White, Robin Williams, Robert Anton Wilson, Jonathan Winters, Author
Tom Wolfe, James Woods, Poet William Wordsworth, Director Franco Zeffirelli.
People who need to be strong, to prevail over circumstance.
When healthy they often are powerful, protective and committed to a cause.
When unhealthy they can be destructive, excessive and sadistic.
Eights, Nines and Ones share a general undercurrent
of anger and form another emotional trio. Remember Twos, Threes, and
Fours are confused about who they are and how they feel. Fives, Sixes
and Sevens react fearfully and are confused around taking action.
Eights, Nines and Ones react from a baseline anger and have the most confusion
in the realm of clearheaded thought. It may affect their feelings
and actions but the area of disturbance is in the head. This difficulty
is often described as a condition of mental sleep.
Eights, Nines, and Ones all have trouble with accurate
mental conception, that is to say, thinking clearly. An Eight's thinking
will tend to be distorted by narcissism and the need to be strong.
Nines lose focus and get absorbed in the irrelevant. Ones distort
their thinking when they reduce multidimensional reality down into simple
moral catagories.
The anger in Eights is related to the desire to seem
and feel strong. Most Eights mobilize their will to this end and are keenly
aware of power. Nines tend to bury their anger or express it indirectly
while Ones route their anger through judgment and disapproval.
Healthy Eights are often dynamic, strong and independent.
When awakened, they can demonstrate the virtue of power, how to wield influence
for constructive purposes. Many Eights are natural leaders who inspire others,
protect the weak, and strive for justice. They may use their power to shake
things up and have the courage and will to implement new ideas. They are
generally honest, direct, and bring an energetic, lusty gusto to whatever
they try.
Healthy Eights are often generous, loyal friends who
protect what is soft and vulnerable in others. This is also a metaphor
for how Eights relate to themselves; beneath their strong outer armor is
a younger, more vulnerable part of them that they protect. This part
is related to an innocence of perception that awakened Eights can have.
They are sometimes able to see the world as if for the first time, with
the eyes of a child. They may have a related love of nature that is
a source of spirituality and evokes this innocent quality. Unguarded
Eights often demonstrate the strength of gentleness - they are strong enough
to be kind, open enough to be touched, secure enough to be wrong, rich enough
to be giving.
When more entranced or defensive, an Eight's preoccupation
with power begins to be tainted with self-interest. While still fairly free
of self-doubt, entranced Eights cover up their vulnerabilities with aggressive
displays of strength. They overidentify with being powerful as a way
to deny their softness and survive in a world that they think is full of
dangers. They may also have a tendency to excess - staying up late,
doing too much, driving too hard, indulging in addictions. This has
the function of numbing their more vulnerable feelings.
Entranced Eights enjoy confrontation and try to make
contact with others primarily through fighting. They push to measure
others' motives and assess external threats. Eights may narcissistically
inflate their presence and try to take up more than their share of space
in a room. To protect the child within, they can act overbearing,
arrogant, and insensitive. Underneath this intimidating shell the
Eight may feel sensitive to betrayal, vulnerable to ridicule, or weak in
a way that they are ashamed of.
Most entranced Eights donít quite realize how
belligerent they seem. This is because they defensively deny feedback,
especially about ways they might have been hurtful to others. Eights
often specifically deny their guilt, covering it up with more aggression
and pretending that they have nothing to apologize for.
In the movie White Hunter, Black Heart, Clint
Eastwood's Eight character deliberately offends a number of people in a
way that is very telling about this style. He doesn't just call them names,
he sucks them into a dialogue or story that ultimately is insulting. Each
time he does this, he takes out a sketch pad and draws the person as a caricature.
This is very much a reflection of what Eights do in their minds when they
are cruel to people - they make others into cartoons, two-dimensional objects
that can then be skewered without conscience.
As with Twos, the healthy versus unhealthy expressions
of the Eight style are unusually extreme. Their benign awakened use
of power is corrupted drastically when Eights are deeply entranced.
They can do immense damage - mostly to others - in the service of maintaining
their grandiose image of an invulnerable self. A "get them before
they get me" attitude thoroughly rules the Eightís behavior.
To this end, they can be suspicious, bullying, vengeful, ruthless, psychopathic
or murderous. Many of the worldís bloody dictators have been
very entranced Eights, and their brutal excesses reflect how unhealthy people
with this style may ultimately murder their own humanity.
Lawyer Leslie Abramson, Gloria Allred, Edward
Asner, F. Lee Bailey, Actor Joe Don Baker, Lucille Ball, Charles Barkley,
Richard Belzer, Humphrey Bogart, Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Bronson, James
Brown, Football's Jim Brown, Pat Buchanan, Richard Burton, Johnny Cash,
John Cassavetes, Fidel Castro, Eldridge Cleaver, Ty Cobb, Sean Connery,
Jimmy Connors, Robert Conrad, Brian Dennehy, Lawyer Alan Dershowitz, Danny
DeVito, Footballís Mike Ditka, U.S. Senator Robert Dole, Reporter
Sam Donaldson, Kirk Douglas, Michael Douglas, Morton Downey Jr., Fred Dryer,
Boxer Roberto Duran, Lawrence Eagleburger, Author Harlan Ellison, Hypnotherapist
Milton Erickson, Moshe Feldenkrais,
Actress Linda Fiorentino, Indira Gandhi, Apache warrior
Geronimo, John Gotti, George Gurdjieff, Director Howard Hawks, the culture
of the Hellís Angels, Ernest Hemingway, Jimmy Hoffa, Opera singer
Marilyn Horne, Saddam Hussein, Director John Huston, Joan Jett, Lyndon Johnson,
Carlos Castenedaís Don Juan, Serbian leader Radovan Karadzic, Brian
Keith, Nikita Khrushchev, Evel Knievel, Michael Landon,
Rush Limbaugh, Ida Lupino, John Lydon (Johnny Rotten),
the culture of the Mafia, Norman Mailer, Musician Wynton Marsalis, Lee Marvin,
Mary Matalin, Tycoon Robert Maxwell, Malcolm McDowell, John McEnroe, Golda
Meir, Comedian Dennis Miller, Robert Mitchum, Actor Judd Nelson, Mandy Patinkin,
General George Patton, Director Sam Peckinpah, Sean Penn, Gestalt therapist
Fritz Perls, Author/producer Julia Phillips, Actress Julianne Phillips,
Suzanne Pleshette,
Anti-environmentalist author Dixy Lee Ray, Actor Oliver
Reed, Ann Richards, Don Rickles, Geraldo Rivera, Henry Rollins, Axl Rose,
Mickey Rourke, Telly Savalas, Baseballís Marge Schott, George C.
Scott, the cultural aura of Serbia, Tupac Shakur, Frank Sinatra, Grace Slick,
Guardian Angel Curtis Sliwa, Joseph Stalin, CNNís John Sununu, Tamerlane,
Rip Torn, Donald Trump, Mao Tse-tung, Actor Ken Wahl, George Wallace, Mike
Wallace, Barbara Walters, Denzel Washington, John Wayne, Director William
Wyler, Zorba the Greek.
People who are receptive to their environment and
play down their own presence. When healthy they often are loving, modest
and trusting. When unhealthy they can be stubborn, lazy and soul-dead.
Unlike Eights, who mobilize and directly
express aggression, Nines take their underlying emotion of anger and tamp
it down. Their central defensive strategy is to self-efface, to blend
with and accommodate their environment. This tactic requires
that Nines suppress their rough edges and conceal any part of them that
might seem disagreeable. Most Nines are angry about the consequences
of this strategy -- other people overlook them -- but this anger is expressed
in indirect ways.
Since most Nines have taken on the coloration of their
environment, there is a confusing variety to people with this style.
Nines can have a wide range of occupations and outwardly appear much different
from each other. What they share underneath, however, is a distinct
tendency to fall asleep to their real inner needs. Remember when you
are trying to identify a Nine that you are looking for the absence of something
rather than an obvious definite quality that the person asserts.
Nines have sometimes been described as the ìcommon
peopleî of the Enneagram. When healthy, they possess a deep
personal modesty and an elegant simplicity of thought. Awakened Nines
are even-tempered, stable, unassuming, nonjudgmental and comfortable with
who they are. They often have a cheerful Seven-like outlook, though
they live in the present and not the future.
Many Nines have a calm, egoless, focused power that
they bring to bear on whatever is important to them. This power is
generally rooted in love whether the Nine thinks of it that way or not.
Most healthy people with this style have a desire to contribute, to give
to others freely, and to adminstrate their world in a way that benefits
everyone they care about.
Nines are natural diplomats and mediators, and can be
quite skilled at resolving conflict. Since they seek peace, union
and harmony, it is often easy for a Nine to find points of agreement between
warring parties. From there a Nine might patiently negotiate settlements
that build on small positive steps. Awakened Nines are gently dynamic,
suffused with a highly integrated sense of self and implicit mission.
Most are also flexible and have the ability to state blunt, difficult truths
in useful ways that somehow donít make others defensive.
When less healthy, a Nineís apparent simplicity
becomes more like self-concealment. Entranced Nines begin to merge
blindly with the wishes of others and the roles their environment wants
them to play. In the process, they erase their own needs, priorities
and ambitions. A Nine might give away his or her sense of initiative
in order to have no opinion and thus keep an apparent peace. The more
they absent themselves from their own life, the more passive, unfocused
and ambivalent they become.
Entranced Nines tend to see all sides of a situation
and identify equally with each outside perspective. They often focus
on absurd or irrelevant details and lose the forest for the trees.
They can be overly responsible but underperforming, obsessively complicating
simple tasks even as they minimize the consequence of not getting important
things done. Going in circles relieves them of the necessity to make
decisions and personal choices, to take responsibility for having a self
that they think might upset others.
Entranced Nines often have trouble overtly saying no,
but say it in other ways, usually through silent stubbornness and passive
aggression. Nines usually blame others explicitly or indirectly for
the life they feel they can't really have. Way deep down there's an
angry, depressed nihilism in most unhealthy Nines. They have given
up on their life and see no reason to stir themselves up to play at what
they're concluded is an empty, fruitless game.
When deeply entranced, Nines can sink into depressed
self-neglect and a kind of lazy oblivion that is an imitation of death.
They may be apathetic, habit-bound, oblivious, or numb. They could
talk incessantly about what they know they should do but then never bother
to do it. They might try to avoid conflict but accidentally provoke it through
bursts of disassociated nastiness. They might be disorderly, chaotic, cluttered
and offer weird, ill-formed rationales for their irresponsibility.
Deeply entranced Nines can do great damage to others while believing their
actions have no consequence. Drug and alcohol addiction can also be
problems at this stage.
Actress Loni Anderson, Bruce Babbitt, the cultural
aura of Bali, Gregory Bateson, Annette Bening, Tony Bennett, Tom Berenger,
Ernest Borgnine, Matthew Broderick, Sandra Bullock, George Burns, John Candy,
Actress Kate Capshaw, Singer Belinda Carlisle, Art Carney, Actor Keith Carradine,
Julia Child, Warren Christopher, Connie Chung, John Cleese, Bill Clinton,
Columbo, Gary Cooper, Kevin Costner, Willem Dafoe, The Dali Lama, Actor
Jeff Daniels, Actress Lolita Davidovich, Designer Oscar de la Renta,
Clint Eastwood, Dwight Eisenhower, Queen Elizabeth II,
Shelley Fabares, Columboís Peter Falk, Marlin Fitzwater, Gerald Ford,
Actor Dennis Franz, Buckminster Fuller, Annette Funicello, Mahatma Gandhi,
James Garner, Chief Dan George, John Goodman, Tipper Gore, Actor Elliott
Gould, Peter Graves, Spalding Gray, Charles Grodin, Julie Hagerty, Woody
Harrelson, Gabby Hayes, Patty Hearst, Mariel Hemingway, Buck Henry, Audrey
Hepburn, Barbara Hershey, Paul Hogan, Anjelica Huston, Actor Ben Johnson,
Shirley Jones, C. G. Jung, Director Lawrence Kasdan, Grace Kelly,
Figure skater Nancy Kerrigan, Helmut Kohl, Stan Laurel,
Author Fran Leibowitz, Actress Jennifer Jason Leigh, Abraham Lincoln, Heather
Locklear, Andie MacDowell, Mr. Magoo, John Major, Novelist Thomas Mann,
Dean Martin, Jerry Mathers, Joe Montana, Actor Harry Morgan, Sancho Panza,
Slim Pickens, the cultural aura of Poland, Actor Michael J. Pollard, Randy
Quaid, Dan Quayle, James Earl Ray,
Ronald Reagan, Ralph Richardson, Andy Richter, Robbie
Robertson, Psychologist Carl Rogers, Roy Rogers, Gena Rowlands, Actress
Eva Marie Saint, Jerry Seinfeld, Garry Shandling, Wallace Shawn, Martin
Sheen, Actor Tom Skerritt, CBSís Harry Smith, Ringo Starr, Mary Steenburgen,
Gloria Steinem, Daniel Stern, James Stewart, Actor Eric Stoltz, Richard
Thornburgh, George Wendt, Diane Wiest, Singer Andy Williams, Pete Wilson.
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