The Enneagram's Nine
Personality Styles
The Enneagram is about people - how we are the same, how we are different, what makes us tick. It presents a system of psychology that describes nine core personality styles that human beings tend to favor. The descriptions of these styles are both profound and comprehensive, detailing the inner motivations, thought patterns and basic beliefs of each one. Newcomers to the Enneagram are often astonished to discover clear, accurate portraits of themselves, their friends, parents and intimates.
Part of the power of the Enneagram is that it recognizes how human beings have sincerely different versions of reality. No version is presented as better than another. Each of the nine styles has its own internal logic and integrity. Each correctly perceives part of reality and has an area of "expertise." Each style has strengths, talents and advantages as well as limits, pitfalls and blind spots.
Enneagram styles are like nationalities. While we are all unique individuals, we belong to a larger group of which we are individual examples. If you have friends from other cultures, you know that on one level you are very aware of the differences between their culture and yours. The fact may contribute much to your relationship. On other levels, you and your friends connect affectionately in a way that bypasses how your cultures make you different.
Studying the Enneagram will reveal the differences between your psychological orientation and those of other "psychological nationalities." With this awareness you can also connect more compassionately or usefully to others who have world views distinct from your own.
The major advantage to learning the Enneagram, of course, is to discover your own personality style. This can be a startling experience at first, but its usefulness soon emerges. Once you identify your core style, baffling aspects of your own behavior may suddenly make sense. You might see more clearly why you sometimes think and act the way you do. As you tune further into your own inner workings, you might sense deeper beliefs, plus a way of seeing the world that shades your daily actions and relationships.
You might also become aware of the ways you are caught up in the pitfalls of your style and cause yourself suffering. There could be little psychological traps you set for yourself, limits you place on your experience or habitual ways that you react to events without choice.
These insights can be helpful in that they provide motivation to work on one's self. Some responses that you now have may be outmoded and carried over from childhood. You may act blindly at times. To an extent, you may find that your Enneagram style amounts to something like a hypnotic trance, as though part of you sleepwalks through life, relating to an idea of the world, rather than the world itself.
Most psychotherapists would say that just having insight into your behavior is not enough to change it. Learning about the Enneagram won't magically transform you, but it will give you a tool that is greatly clarifying and uncannily useful.
Just as the Enneagram will show you how you are caught, it also points to your higher capacities - what you are good at, what creative resources are present when you are happiest and most awake. It will direct you toward the source of your personal power and give you a major tool for living more fully in the present-day world, basing your choices on your actual needs.
The Enneagram is a system of psychology. It is neither inherently esoteric nor spiritual. You might, however, find that it has deep spiritual implications in that it helps diagnose how you get in your own way and block the most free and soulful expression of your being.
On everyday levels, knowledge of the Enneagram is helpful in dozens of ways, from understanding relationships to improving communication to handling difficult people. You may discover that your friendships reflect affinities for certain Enneagram styles. You will also better pinpoint types of personalities that have been difficult for you to deal with. You may realize that the behavior of some people that you always took personally never was personal; they were just acting blindly out of the limits of their own world view.
The Enneagram is especially useful in any professional context where communication is important. Attendees at my workshops have included psychotherapists, teachers, lawyers, counselors, business people, artists, plumbers, filmmakers. Anyone who needs to deal effectively with other people benefits greatly from studying personality styles.
People who compare reality to a set
of standards. May be objective, balanced and morally heroic or repressive,
critical and perfectionistic.
At the core of Enneagram style number One is a strong
unconscious tendency to compare reality with what should be. Ones
generally have a set of standards by which they evaluate themselves, the
behavior of others, and the world around them.
These ideals differ from person to person. Some
Ones are preoccupied with spiritual standards while others, like advice
columnists, might be focused on good manners. Others might be social
reformers of some kind while others still might simply be intent on living
an upright life or doing a good job at work.
Healthy Ones specialize in accurate moral perception and objective
evaluation. More than other Enneagram styles, Ones can be ethically
discerning, dispassionate and fair. They can make great priests and
judges, for instance, or constructive social commentators.
Awakened Ones can be selfless and morally heroic, willing
to sacrifice a great deal for principle. If they have a cause or mission,
they might work hard and responsibly towards its fulfillment. Ethics
and personal integrity are put above expediency, profit or easy solutions.
An awakened One might display a balanced, cheerful perfectionism that is
tempered by forgiveness and compassion.
For Ones who are more defensive or entranced, the preoccupation
with principles and high ideals might degenerate into a mundane concern
with the rules. The person might still be crusading for a cause but
have more ego-involvement than they realize. Higher morality gets
confused with moralism, discernment changes into judgment.
An entranced One might still sacrifice for the rules
but a level of resentment begins to emerge. Ones can become openly
critical, angry when their reforming zeal isn't shared by the world at large.
They might still work hard and hold themselves to strict standards of behavior
but their speech could be punctuated by sharp-tongued remarks, as anger
breaks through. Their calm, ethical perspective gives way to dualistic
thinking - "either/or" propositions, right/wrong dilemmas that
reduce complex situations down into black and white choices.
A One's attempt to be good is a tense enterprise, sometimes
leading to rigid behavior and a tendency to obsessive worry. A lot
of entranced Ones fight their desires, especially the "bad"
ones. These are often sensual but, otherwise, "bad" impulses
are the opposite of whatever the One considers good and virtuous behavior.
Social problems can emerge because Ones have trouble
knowing when they are angry and don't realize how scolding or repressive
they can sound to others. When insecure or feeling criticized, a One's
defensive reaction is to start judging. They simply don't accept
reality as it is and don't think you should either.
When deeply entranced, people with this style can grow
obsessive, paranoid and zealous. They may be capable of profound cruelty
in the service of "goodness." Moral vanity and hypocrisy
are likely, and unhealthy Ones can also grow obsessed with the fulfillment
of insane missions.
Whatever a One disapproves of within their own behavior
is what they will condemn in others. They may not allow themselves
to act out "badly" but that doesn't mean they don't want to.
Ones in this state tend to beat down or contain their desires and then project
them outward.
So a One might see an inviting place to swim on a summer's
day and suddenly begin to talk about the evils of laziness and the skimpy
bathing suits people wear nowadays. The One's sensual desire to swim
is "reverse projected" onto the environment and then a case is
built against it. This case-building is called "reaction formation"
and it's a defense mechnism for this style. Ones share an emotional
tendency towards anger with Eights and Nines.
Actress Jane Alexander, the culture of the
Amish, Julie Andrews, Arthur Ashe, Hanan Ashrawi, St. Augustine, Author
William Bennett, Father Phillip Berrigan, Ambrose Bierce, Psychologist John
Bradshaw, Lloyd Bridges, NBC's Tom Brokaw, Sierra Club founder David Brower,
Feminist author Susan Brownmiller, William F. Buckley, Dr. Helen Caldicott,
John Calvin, Mona Charen, Cesar Chavez, Singapore President Ong Teng Cheong,
Hillary Clinton, Confucius, Actress Jane Curtin, Michael Dukakis, Christian
Scientist Mary Baker Eddy, Activist Daniel Ellsworth,
Harrison Ford, Jodie Foster, Barry Goldwater, Author Lillian Hellman,
Katharine Hepburn, Charlton Heston, St. Ignatius, Judge Lance Ito, Glenda
Jackson, Peter Jennings, Author Samuel Johnson, CNNís Myron Kandel,
John Kasich, U.S. Senator John Kerry, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, C. Everett Koop,
Ted Koppel, NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre, Martin Luther, Nelson Mandela,
Miss Manners, Thurgood Marshall, George McGovern, Michael Medved, Playright
Arthur Miller, Author Jessica Mitford, Sir Thomas More, Kate Mulgrew, Ralph
Nader, the cultural aura of New Zealand, Leonard Nimoy, the NRA, John Cardinal
OíConnor, Pope John Paul II, Gregory Peck,
H. Ross Perot, Sidney Poitier, Emily Post, Colin Powell, the culture
of the Puritans, Marilyn Quayle, Yitzak Rabin, Tony Randall, James (The
Amazing) Randi, Actress/Activist Vanessa Redgrave, Dale Evans Rogers, Actor
Cliff Robertson, Satirist Mark Russell, Carl Sagan, Conservative author
Phyllis Schlafly, George Bernard Shaw, CNNís Bernard Shaw, the cultural
aura of Singapore, Film critic Gene Siskel, Maggie Smith, Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
Dr. Benjamin Spock,
Martha Stewart, Actor Peter Strauss, Meryl Streep, the cultural aura
of Switzerland, Margaret Thatcher, Fred Dalton Thompson, Emma Thompson,
Harry Truman, Mark Twain, Abigail Van Buren, Greta Van Sustern, Father Terry
Waite, Dragnet's Jack Webb, James Whitmore, George Will, Myrlie Evers-Williams,
John Wooden, Joanne Woodward, Actress Jane Wyman, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.
People who see the world interpersonally
and define themselves through service to others. May be selfless, loving
and giving or dependent, prideful and hostile.
In the organization of the Enneagram, Twos, Threes
and Fours form an "emotional trio," in that they share some general
tendencies and undercurrents. People within this trio of styles can
experience a kind of ongoing confusion about their identities, confusing
who they are with the roles that they play and images of who they seem to
All personality styles do this to some degree, but Twos,
Threes and Fours are most deeply prone to confuse seeming with being.
They share a general tendency to lose track of how they actually feel, in
favor of how they imagine they feel within the roles they are playing.
People with these styles have the most conflicts in relationships and matters
of the heart. They are least well-developed in the realm of core emotions.
Two is the most purely interpersonal of all the Enneagram
styles. Twos are apt to conceive of life as a fundamental give and
take between people, regarding all human beings as members of one vast family.
Within this point of view, giving love becomes the most important thing
a Two can do.
People with this style have a well-developed capacity
to identify emotionally with the needs of others. They have a strong
unconscious habit of "sending" themselves over to other people
and intuitively divining what another might be feeling or needing.
Healthy Twos practice this habit voluntarily; they willingly identify with
others as an act of love and can also then return to their own point of
view. They are able to care for the needs of others and yet return
to their own emotional truth and attend to their own needs. The phrase
"lend yourself to others but give yourself to yourself" describes
what Twos do when healthy.
The high side of this style is expressed through truly
selfless love and exceptional ministerial skills. The Catholic nun
Mother Teresa is an example of a Two who dedicates her daily life to the
relief of suffering among the poor. Portraits of saints often describe
the behavior of devoted Twos and descriptions of Jesus Christ read the same
way. Whether or not it has succeeded, the classical intention of Christianity
is fundamentally Twoish.
Living to give to others is tricky because you must
be very honest about your motives and recognize that you have personal needs
that may impact on your desire to give.
When Twos are more entranced, they begin to repress
their own true needs and funnel their energies towards taking care of others
-- whether the others need it or not. Something happens to the Two's
strategy of identifying with outside people; they still "send"
themselves over to others, but now they forget to return to their own position.
Instead, Twos form a codependent bond with another person and give in hopes
of being recognized. Twos also can begin to fear abandonment and being
alone. When overly identified with others, they lose their sense of
themselves and, in a way, compulsive giving is an attempt to take care of
their own lost self. Through others, Twos try to give back to themselves.
Flattery, manipulation and seduction are all used by
Twos in the service of getting others to respond to and define them.
The Two need to give is so strong that it becomes selfish and what is "given"
comes with an invisible price tag. It's often a high price as the
Two, in compensation for having lost their real self, begins to inflate
and exaggerate the importance of their contributions.
Not surprisingly, Twos can have struggles in relationships
because it's important to know your own true feelings and motives in order
to relate cleanly to others. Their exaggerated self-importance is
otherwise known as pride and when Twos are really unhealthy, pridefulness
becomes their most striking feature.
What maddens others about unhealthy Twos is the way they package
what feels like hostility as love. When Twos are deeply entranced,
they are usually quite deluded about their motives. They replace their
real feelings of selfish desperation and aggression with the image of an
altruistic martyr who is owed big sums for their wonderful efforts.
The saintly high side of this style is very high indeed
while the lowest expression can be drastically destructive. The motif of
stalking an objectified "loved one" goes with the unhealthy side
of this style as does the metaphor of the vampire, who lives on the blood
of others.
Alan Alda, Yasser Arafat, Tammy Faye Bakker,
Harry Belafonte, Child psychologist T. Berry Brazelton, Filmmaker Ken Burns,
Actress Ellen Burstyn, Leo Buscaglia, Barbara Bush, Jesus Christ, Glenn
Close, Bill Cosby, Self-help author Barbara de Angelis, John Denver, Princess
Diana, Faye Dunaway, Feminist Betty Friedan, Kathie Lee Gifford, Danny Glover,
Roosevelt Grier, Melanie Griffith, U.S. Ambassador Pamela Harriman, Leona
Helmsley, Psychologist Karen Horney, Whitney Houston, Arianna Huffington,
Actress Anne Jackson, Author Erica Jong, Actress Sally Kellerman, Actress
Sally Kirkland, Diane Ladd,
Jerry Lewis, Actress Susan Lucci, Madonna, Alma Mahler,
Imelda Marcos, Florence Nightingale, Merlin Olsen, Yoko Ono, Jack Paar,
Jack Perkins, Fitness author Susan Powter, Priscilla Presley, Sally Jessy
Raphael, Nancy Reagan, Mr. Rogers, Family therapist Virginia Satir, Danielle
Steel, Rod Steiger, Sally Struthers, Mother Teresa, Marlo Thomas, Actor
Richard Thomas, Actress Jennifer Tilly, John Travolta, Ivana Trump, Desmond
Tutu, Actress Lesley Ann Warren, Brazilian singer Xuxa.
People who measure themselves by
external achievement and the roles that they play. May be truthful, accomplished
and excellent at what they do or conniving, competitive and false.
Unlike Twos, people with the Three style identify
less with ideals of helpfulness and instead with images of success and productivity.
Threes often expect to be loved for what they do rather than who they are.
Their image-confusion is between seeming accomplished and being true to
their less-than-perfect inner self. Entranced Threes most tend to
cut off deeper feeling in favor of outer appearance. They deny their
imperfections and present a public image they hope the world finds laudable.
Healthy Threes are often highly accomplished and practice
a credo of excellence and professionalism in whatever they do. They
are extremely strong at setting and meeting goals and will usually have
mastered a number of life skills. Threes learn fast, make good leaders,
and do well in high-profile, socially established occupations where performance
is measured by results. Most are organized, flexible and industrious.
When healthy, they usually make excellent role models and teachers of the
skills they have mastered.
Awakened Threes can be energetic and cheerful, with
a positive eye to the future and a self-confident, open approach to challenges.
Their actions are often governed by a sense of honor; family and friendship
are valued in addition to work. These priorities are sometimes arrived at
after a struggle with moral expediency and through a Three's conscious search
for values.
When Threes are more entranced, the strategy of being
successful and well-rounded yields to a desire to seem that way. Corners
start getting cut in the quest to maintain an image. A Three can slip
into impersonation and play a role of themselves, adopting chameleon-like
poses to seem noteworthy in many different contexts. Personal feeling
begins to be denied as a Three increasingly identifies with their mask.
Most have an "Achilles Heel," a sense of inadequacy that they
compensate for with achievement and role-playing.
Intimate relationships can suffer as the Three reroutes
their feelings through their image of who they should be. They may
present a persona to intimates; hiding a deep sense of flaw and instead
offering a feelingful mask for others to love. Expediency and efficiency
become more important and an entranced Three may begin to enjoy the feeling
of nonfeeling. They may think of themselves as high-performance engines
whose purpose is to race with speed from task to task, securing outcomes
before dashing on to new finish lines. It's not uncommon for entranced
Threes to talk in sports metaphors and make themselves believe that life
is only a game, a game that's played to win.
To win, they may push themselves harder, enjoying the
hyperactivity, now using their relationships mainly as springboards for
professional gain. Their once healthy flexibility might degenerate
into arrogant calculation and amoral strategizing. Entranced Threes
comfortably operate in occupations where appearance and persuasion are all
-- public relations, sales, advertising, etc.
When deeply entranced, winning becomes everything and
a Three's mask just eclipses their soul. They sell out completely
to seeming and make themselves into a commodity to market. A core
of malicious hostility replaces their true identity at this stage.
Unhealthy Threes can be amoral, Machiavellian, heartless,
slick, and plagiarizing. They believe their own lies and con people
without conscience. They work hard to best or deceive others.
The aim is to maintain an illusion of superiority from which they derive
a hollow, vindictive sense of triumph. Anyone who has ever been deliberately
and maliciously lied to has felt the sting of this attitude.
The cultural aura of America, Politician
James Baker, Joseph Biden, David Bowie, Ron Brown, Jimmy Carter, Dick Clark,
Lawyer Johnnie Cochran Jr., Magician David Copperfield, Cindy Crawford,
Joan Crawford, Tom Cruise, Rebecca DeMornay, Nora Ephron, Werner Erhard,
(Mrs.) Debbi Fields, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Richard Gere, Bryant Gumbel, Actor
Mark Harmon, the (modern) cultural aura of Japan, Michael Jordan, Mary Kay,
Henry Kissinger, Carl Lewis, Vince Lombardi, Rob Lowe, Joan Lunden, Ali
MacGraw, Elle MacPherson, Reba McEntire,
Demi Moore, Oliver North, U.S. Senator Bob Packwood,
Master spy Kim Philby, Elvis Presley, Reporter/author Sally Quinn, Businessman
Summer Redstone, Burt Reynolds, Author Anthony Robbins, Political strategist
Ed Rollins, Diana Ross, Jessica Savitch, Diane Sawyer, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
William Shatner, Cybill Shepherd, O.J. Simpson, Will Smith, Wesley Snipes,
Sylvester Stallone, Sharon Stone, Kathleen Turner, Jean-Claude Van Damme,
Former Austrian President Kurt Waldheim, "Father" of America George
Washington, Raquel Welch, Author Marianne Williamson, Vanessa Williams,
Oprah Winfrey, Natalie Wood.
People who live principally in their imagination
and feelings. May be artistic, articulate and inspiring or whiny, elitist
and negative.
Like Ones, Fours compare reality with what could
be. While a One will look for imperfection about them and maybe have
a desire to correct what's wrong, Fours often turn away from reality and
live in their imaginations, feelings and moods.
Along with Twos and Threes, Fours share the tendency
towards vanity and image-confusion but they can express it paradoxically.
Fours are more likely to identify with an image of defect especially as
it confers on them a quality of uniqueness or exempt specialness.
A Four might, for instance, bemoan their inadequacy to succeed in the everyday
world, but within this complaint there could be a subtle quality of boasting.
This is usually driven by a self-image that is romantically tragic but also
elitist. They may take pride in what is unique or defectively unusual
about them.
Because of the strength of their emotional imaginations,
people with this style are often described as artists. Many of the world's
most accomplished artists have been Fours and nearly all people with this
style need or find creative outlets. Otherwise, Fours work in all
kinds of occupations, although they will try when possible to make their
work creatively interesting.
Awakened Fours tend to be idealistic, have good taste
and are great appreciators of beauty. They filter reality through
a rich, subtle subjectivity and are very good at "metaphorical thinking,"
the capacity to make connections between unrelated facts and events.
The Four tendency to see things symbolically is enhanced by their emotional
intensity. This creates raw artistic material that almost has to be
given form. Self-expression and the pursuit of self-knowledge are
high priorities for people with this style.
Fours value the aesthetics of beauty as much as they are attuned
to the tragic nature of existence. When healthy, people with
this style work to transmute the pain of living into something more meaningful.
This can be done through creative work of all kinds. Fours are excellent
at articulating subjective experience, and can be fine teachers and psychotherapists
in this regard. They may also be empathetic friends, able to take
in and understand the dilemmas of others and especially be willing to listen
to a friend's pain.
When more defensive or entranced, Fours begin to focus
on what is unavailable or missing in their lives. They can become negative
and critical, finding fault with what they do have, seeing mainly misery
in the present. They then turn inward and use their imaginations to
romanticize other times and places. Fours can live in the past, the
future - anywhere that seems more appealing than here. "The grass
is always greener on the other side." Entranced Fours fall into
a habit of envy for whatever it is they don't have now.
The need to be seen as someone special and unique may
become more neurotically pronounced too. Fours can seem very in touch
with their feelings but their defensive tendency is to translate authentic
feeling into melodrama. They could be full of lament and nostalgia,
demanding recognition yet rejecting anything good they get from friends.
They might also grow competitive and spiteful, unable to enjoy their own
successes without taking away from the achievements of others.
An entranced Four could be moody or hypersensitive
while beginning to act exempt from everyday rules. Buoyed by their
sense of defective specialness, they might give themselves permission to
act badly, be selfish or irresponsible. They may refuse to deal with the
mundane and the ordinary, reasoning that they are different and not of this
world anyway. Entranced Fours incline towards feeling guilty, ashamed,
melancholy, jealous and unworthy.
Deeply entranced Fours can inhabit a harrowing world
of torment. They may be openly masochistic and extravagant in their
self-debasement. The lives of spectacularly self-destructive artists
often reflect this kind of scenario.
At this point, a Four could become unreachably alienated.
Stricken by a profound sense of hopelessness, they can sink into morbid
self-loathing and suicidal depression. Their 'differentness' is now
seen in entirely negative terms and they banish themselves into a kind of
exile. The desire to punish themselves and others is also quite strong.
Fours have a specific defense that comes up a lot in
movies, especially love stories. It's called "introjection," and
it means carrying someone around inside of you in your imagination and feelings.
A Four will introject a loved one, usually someone idealized and out of
reach. Their beloved is romanticized from afar but the Four feels
the absent person to be present. They then have a kind of relationship
with their fantasy of the other person.
Photographer Diane Arbus, Painter Francis Bacon, John
Barrymore, Charles Baudelaire, Ingmar Bergman, Poet John Berryman, Director
Peter Bogdanovich, Marlon Brando, Richard Brautigan, Jackson Browne, Raymond
Burr, Singer Kate Bush, Mary Chapin Carpenter, England's Prince Charles,
Kurt Cobain, Leonard Cohen, Judy Collins, James Dean, Robert De Niro, Director
Brian De Palma, Johnny Depp, Neil Diamond, Isak Dinesen, Novelist Michael
Dorris, French novelist Marguerite Duras, the music of Pink Floyd, Albert
Finney, the cultural aura of France, Judy Garland, Martha Graham, Singer
Nanci Griffith, Billie Holliday, Julio Iglesias,
Michael Jackson, Janis Joplin, Naomi Judd, Harvey Keitel,
Jack Kerouac, Jessica Lange, Poet Philip Larkin, Charles Laughton, T.E.
Lawrence, John Malkovich, Marcello Mastroianni, Author Mary McCarthy, Carson
McCullers, Rod McKuen, Thomas Merton, Author Yukio Mishima, Joni Mitchell,
Actor Michael Moriarty, Jim Morrison, Singer Morrissey, Edvard Munch, Liam
Neeson, Mike Nichols, Stevie Nicks, Author Anaïs Nin, Nick Nolte, Laurence
Olivier, Edith Piaf, Sylvia Plath, Edgar Allen Poe, Novelist Anne Rice,
Arthur Rimbaud,
Winona Ryder, Françoise Sagan, Poet Anne Sexton,
Percy Shelley, Simone Signoret, Playright Neil Simon, Singer Paul Simon,
August Strindberg, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Singer James Taylor, Spencer
Tracy, Actress Liv Ullmann, Vincent Van Gogh, Suzanne Vega, Author
Robert James Waller, Alan Watts, Orson Welles, Australian novelist Patrick
White, Tennessee Williams, Virginia Woolf, Neil Young.
People who pull back from the world and live in
their mind. May be wise, farsighted and knowledgeable or abstract, stingy
and schizoid.
Fives, Sixes and Sevens share a general undercurrent
of fear and form another "emotional Trio." Unlike Twos,
Threes and Fours, people within this group are not confused about
who they are or how they feel. Instead they tend to unconsciously
anticipate the dangers of life and have a baseline habit of reacting fearfully.
Fives are generally thinkers, people who live more in their heads than in
their bodies. They have specific struggles around taking action and
asserting their wills in the world.
A Five's fears are specifically social - they habitually
guard against being invaded or engulfed by other people. This is the
most explicitly antisocial of the Enneagram styles. When defensive,
Fives can be withdrawn and standoffish as a way to manage their hypersensitivity
to others. Generally, they fear close relationship as it can lead
to feeling overwhelmed, smothered or swarmed.
Fives tend to live in their thoughts, in contrast to
Fours, who live in their emotional imaginations. People with this
style have well-developed abilities to analyze and synthesize knowledge.
They may be perceptive, wise and objective, displaying an ability to stay
centered and logical when others around them are losing their heads.
Awakened Fives usually strike some balance between interacting
with the world and withdrawing from it. This style is frequently associated
with knowledgeable competence and, sometimes, genius. When healthy,
Fives express themselves in the world and actively offer the fruits of their
knowledge. Teaching and writing are frequent occupations but whatever they
do, healthy Fives seem to insist that their talent for knowledge count for
something beyond itself. There is an idealistic quality to this drive
that makes them willing and sometimes courageous contributors. They are also sympathetic listeners, but able to view events from
a distant enough perspective to avoid getting personally upset. This
contributes to a kindheartedness that wishes others well.
More defensively, Fives can slide from nonattachment
into disassociation, the inner state of being cut off from feeling.
An entranced person with this style is hyperaware of the world's demands,
and then passively responds by withdrawing. Most outsiders see a Fiveís
capacity to pull back as a kind of independence. It's a defense as
well; the Five is making a strong antisocial boundary to compensate for
being overly sensitive in the first place.
Cutting themselves off then becomes a habit. The
idea is, "If I can just learn to live with less I'll avoid the influence
of others." This leads to the tendency to hoard, to keep and
save what little they have in order to need less and stay withdrawn.
Fives can hoard time, money, space, land, information, or emotional availability.
It doesn't matter what is hoarded, the pattern is the same. The person
tries to protect against flooding by stacking up supplies on their dry inner
Entranced Fives also stay distant from their own emotions
by living in a world of information and ideas. The more they cut themselves
off, however, the more they struggle with feelings of emptiness, loneliness,
and compulsive need. It's like trying to talk yourself out of being
hungry. At this point a Five may be slow to know how they feel because
they can only reach their feelings through a lengthy sequence of thought.
Entranced Fives worship gods of reason and try to look distantly down on
their own emotions. They may also act superior towards other people
as an expression of the same defense.
When Fives are deeply entranced, they may become schizoid
and unpredictable, as though disassociated parts of them are taking turns
talking. They can project an absent, vaguely shocked aura or be pointedly
antisocial. A Five could sit through a party at which they said nothing
and later claim that they had a good time. Or they might alienate
others with nasty, sneering commentary and unpredictable aggression.
The habit of disassociating emotions becomes so developed
that they lose basic touch with reality. They may develop weird phobias
of invisible objects like germs. Aggressive episodes are possible,
followed by bursts of acute paranoia.
Performance artist Laurie Anderson,
St. Thomas Aquinas, Playright Samuel Beckett, Author Paul Bowles, The Buddha,
Director Tim Burton, David Byrne, Actor Richard Chamberlain, Agatha Christie,
Van Cliburn, Montgomery Clift, Former CIA Director William Colby, Michael
Crichton, Daniel Day-Lewis, René Descartes, Joan Didion, Joe DiMaggio,
Aviatrix Amelia Earhart, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Author Loren Eiseley,
T.S. Eliot, the cultural aura of England,
Chess player Bobby Fischer,
E. M. Forster, Greta Garbo, J. Paul Getty, cybertech novelist William Gibson,
Jane Goodall, Author Graham Greene, H.R. Haldeman, Hildegarde of Bingen,
Alfred Hitchcock, Anthony Hopkins, Howard Hughes, Jeremy Irons, Franz Kafka,
Director Philip Kaufman, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Author Dean R. Koontz,
Arthur (The Amazing) Kreskin, Director Stanley Kubrick, C-SPAN's Brian Lamb,
Cartoonist Gary Larson, John le Carré, Author Ursula K. LeGuin, Photographer
Annie Leibowitz,
Vladimir Lenin, George Lucas, David
Lynch, Author Norman MacLean, Reporter Robert MacNeil, Movie critic Leonard
Maltin, Novelist Ian McEwan, Larry McMurtry, Singer Natalie Merchant, Thelonious
Monk, Actor Sam Neill, Joyce Carol Oates, Georgia OíKeefe, J. Robert
Oppenheimer, Al Pacino, Italian sculptor Paladino, Michelle Pfeiffer,
Keanu Reeves, Philanthropist John D. Rockefeller,
Jr., Oliver Sacks, Author May Sarton, Jean-Paul Sartre, Ebenezer Scrooge,
Behaviorist B. F. Skinner, Poet Gary Snyder, Philosopher Susan Sontag, Phil
Spector, George Stephanopoulos, Actress Madeleine Stowe, Max Von Sydow,
Jules Verne, Author Ken Wilber, Ludwig Wittgenstein.
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