with Tom Condon
Have specific
issues you want to work on?
Limits you are ready to outgrow?
Know your Enneagram style but need help
getting to the next level?
New to the Enneagram?
Tom Condon offers
private coaching and consulting for
individuals and organizations by phone or
Skype applying
his unique combination of the Ennneagram, NLP and
other methods of change. Tom has over 30 years of
coaching experience and has helped thousands of
people to grow and change.
Knowledge of these disciplines is not necessary -
Tom incorporates a wide variety of methods in his
work -
the Enneagram in particular is immensely
helpful for understanding yourself and others,
clarifying relationships
and providing specific road maps for personal growth
and professional progress.
Sessions last 75 minutes and include support
materials like written handouts, self-development
practices, audio and video backup programs as well
as book and resource recommendations.
Whatever your goals, Tom’s
coaching will support your personal and professional
breakthroughs, helping you eliminate blind spots and
limiting beliefs – to arrive at a deeper sense of
freedom and choice. Whatever your experience with
the Enneagram, Tom’s coaching will increase your
personal understanding of the system and focus you
directly on its practical potentials, applications
and results.
Possible Goals and Benefits:
• Make
meaningful personal and professional changes
• Discover your
personality style or explore its depths
• Uncover the
hidden gifts and natural talents of your style
• Greatly
enhance communication with family friends and
• Adapt
flexibly to changing job requirements and workplace
• Recognize
and experience other points of
view in a new way
• Handle
difficult people with ease and
• Overcome
blocks to better performance
• Discover
a deeper sense of freedom and
you are new to the Enneagram and are interested
in the system, coaching sessions will help
you identify your Enneagram style, learn about
your built-in talents and strengths and pinpoint
your style's typical challenges.
If you already know your Enneagram style
and want to explore it further, the sessions will
concentrate on revealing the Enneagram's many
layers, how your style best grows and changes, and
techniques to maximize
your strengths and temper your weaknesses.
If you have been working with the Enneagram you
may have identified specific current problem areas
and goals that need particular attention to take
you to new levels of self-understanding and
Learn (More) About your
Enneagram Style?
• Make valuable personal
and professional changes
• Uncover the hidden gifts
and natural talents of your
• Greatly enhance
communication with family
friends and coworkers
• Adapt flexibly to
changing job requirements and
workplace cultures
• Recognize and experience
other points of view in a new
• Handle difficult people
with ease and flexibility
• Overcome blocks to
better performance
• Discover a deeper sense
of freedom and choice
last about 75 minutes.
sessions are conducted via Skype or by telephone.
includes support
materials – written handouts, self-development
practices, audio and video backup programs as well
as book and resource recommendations.
single Individual session: $125

block of four sessions: $450
you want to gain initial familiarity
with the Enneagram we recommend:
The Enneagram Made Easy by Renee
Baron and Elizabeth Wagele or Personality
Types by Don Riso and Russ Hudson.
Need more information? Contact Tom at or call (01) 541-382-1894
• Single
Individual Session: $125
of Four Sessions: $450

Tom Condon
is an internationally
recognized Enneagram trainer and
author. He has taught over 800
workshops in the United States,
Europe and Asia and is the
author of over 50 books, CDs and
DVDs on the Enneagram,
Neurolinguistic Programming
(NLP) and Ericksonian methods.
Tom offers specialized
trainings, consulting and
coaching for businesses and
organizations in North America,
Europe, Asia, and South America.
Tom has
worked with the Enneagram since 1980 and
with Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP since
1977. These three models are combined in
his trainings to offer a powerful blend of
therapeutic tools.
His workshops concentrate on how to
see and use the Enneagram dynamically, as
a springboard to positive change. Most
participants report personal and
professional breakthroughs as well as a
deeper sense of freedom and choice.
People Say About Tom's
"This was rich,
informative and enjoyable program. I can find
uses for the tools in all aspects of my life."
-Wayne Gerber, consultant
"Tom's in-depth knowledge, presence, timing,
grace and humor are magical to experience.
What a gift." - Susan Nordyke, instructor,
Vocational Counseling
"I really appreciated learning about the
'resources' of each wing and thinking about
sensory modalities in terms of each point. I
also appreciated seeing NLP in context."
-Patrick J. Wardell, Social Worker/Educator
"A very powerful
learning experience. Deep process and content,
delivered on target with humor." -Bill Faust,
Organizational Development and creativity
"As a long-time
practitioner of the Enneagram and a relatively
new NLP student, I found that the opportunity
to work with both disciplines in a relaxed
spacious format was invaluable. Tom Condon
provides a valuable service to all students of
human effectiveness." - Courtney Behm,
Management Advisor and Personal Coach
"Tom's adroit
integration of NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis
has been invaluable to my own understanding
and application of the Enneagram. Tom's
knowledge, skill and manner added new
dimensions to a richly complex subject. Anyone
who has the opportunity to work with Tom,
either one-on-one or in a workshop format will
be greatly enriched by the experience. I
cannot recommend him highly enough."
- Ed Morler, MBA, Ph.D.,